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By donating to the CVMA cause, you are supporting over 18.8 million veterans living in the U.S. today, 7.6 percent of the population. Our mission is to support and defend those who have defended our country and our freedoms. Our focus is to help veteran care entities provide a warm meal, clothing, shelter and guidance, or to simply say “Thank You” and “Welcome Home.”

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Our brother, Tombo, from 33-5 was struck while riding home from work. He had to be airlifted to Fresno for surgery. He is in the ICU, but is awake. Tombo has had an enormous impact on his friends, family, CVMA family, Chiefs Mess family and his Sailors. 33-5 has members standing by to help with everything from lodging, to meals, to household chores and everything in between. Please consider a donation to help the family with expenses while Tombo is in recovery. Click the photo above to go to the Venmo page, and note it as "Tombo's Fund". Please keep the family in your prayers as they work thru this difficult time.

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